So a lot of people don't know this about me but I love to read, however the problem is I never have time to read, that's why you'll never normally see me with a book! But recently I just finished reading The Game Of Thrones! OMG I think this is my favorite book ever, if you wanna know why carry on reading...
Now im not the sort of person who would sit and write a book review, but I wrote this on in school and I thought I would share it with you! If you want me to do more just let me know.
I will warn you now that in this review I do talk a lot about what happens in the book and the story line (more in depth than the blurb) so there will be spoilers! So if you don't want to spoil what happens then please don't read this ^_^
The Game Of Thrones is the first book in The Song Of Ice And Fire, which is an epic fantasy book series. It is one of seven books written by George R.R. Martin. So this book is set in the medieval world, and if you are a lover of history too then this is a great book for you to look at!!! ^_^
In the book you have to pay close attention to the characters because there is a lot of them and it is very vital!! Each chapter in the book is about a specific character. For example Bran falls off the edge of a building and so the rest of the chapter is based around him. Then the bit that I like most is that every chapter, even though it changes character, still links in with each other. Now what I mean by this is that, the person who is most effected, so in Bran's case it would be his mother, this then makes the chapter after about her. I think this feature is great because it makes you more attached to the characters and know their point of views on certain events that happen.
So onto what the book is about.. Its about several noble houses, which fight a civil war over who should be king!. Mean while and exiled princess tries to find her place in the harsh world shes in. And the Kingdom is threatened by some supernaturals from the North!

The story line can be a bit hard to follow at times but once you read it and look back you'll see that its set up into three different stories within itself.
1) The first story takes up the largest part of the book. You will follow the stark family with their conspiracy, in the seven Kingdoms of the Westeros. The story has a large emphasis on Eddard Stark (or other know as Ned) who is the father and leader of the family. Also he is the kings hand, which a big responsibility, especially when the Kingdom is at war to determine who is going to be king!
2) The second part you follow the exiled princess, called Daenenery's (weird name right!) She is one of the descendants from the previous royal family, before King Robert. She's my favorite character because I love the way that you watch her grow throughout the book and see how smart she becomes. She starts of as a scared, fragile girl and becomes this fierce Queen!
3) The last part is about Jon Snow, who is the son of Eddard Stark. He is in the special military order which is called by the nights watch. They are dedicated to protecting the wall.
So your all most probably wondering what the 'Wall' is well let me explain...
The wall is a 700 foot high barrier of ice, stone and magic. Its there to protect and shield the seven Kingdoms from the north. The people who look after wall and make sure that now supernaturals get in and no one gets out, are outcasts of the Kingdom. So this being rapist's, murder's, dwarf's and bastard's. Being a bastard is one of the main reasons why Jon is there, and you'll find that out in the book.
So overall my thoughts on the book are amazing! I love how in depth the book goes, into the stories, the characters and the detail. I really helps to picture it in your head. What I like most is the detail he puts into the violence, the sword fighting and the wars that are going on is very captivating!
I would say the age on this book would be 15+ because there is a lot of long words, which some I didn't even understand! Also there is a few pages where it gets a little saucy like 50 shades of medieval style ;) It is a pretty long book which for me took over a year to read but if you have the time to read over 700 pages Its totally worth it!
But if your not into reading a 700 page book I would recommend to watch the series to because that is great... maybe even better than the book! :D

So I hoped you liked that review, I know its a bit different to what I normally do but I love books and I want to try and incorporate lots of new things into my blog! And reach a larger audience too ^_^ So leave a comment with what your thoughts are on this book and also if there is any books you recommend let me know. Until next time have an awesome amazing day...
Emma xxxx