Little Red Riding Hood Halloween Makeup Tutorial!

So I've finally out up my first Halloween tutorial for this year! They would have been up earlier but I've been really ill and couldn't speak pretty much so a voice over was a no go! So I left it till I got better and my voice over is still a bit dodgy as I kept coughing every 5 seconds aha but I felt like it needed on. So please ignore my voice over and bad explaining! 

So I was reading the true story of little red riding hood and it was really dark so I wanted to do a quite dramatic and dark take with the makeup! I've seen lots of tutorials on this type of look but I wanted to do something that was super easy and use products that pretty much everyone will have so you don't have to go out and by new products!

So I hope you like this and I hopefully will have two more Halloween tutorials up next week and a foodie video too!
So until next time have an awesome amazing day...



  1. Nice tutorial. Scary! ;)

    Happy weekend doll
    Keep in touch
    xx isa | Stoer & Sexy

  2. I love this halloween make up! Thank you for visiting my blog and for following me:) i just followed you back:)

  3. woow!! great halloween makeup!

  4. love those lips!

    PS: You're welcome to join my new giveaway on my blog. xx

  5. Wow great makeup!!! I like your blog!!
    would you like to follow each other? let me know...
    Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela♥

  6. ive nominated you for the sisterhood of the world bloggers award and also the one lovely blog award...

    check out my post for more information on it :)

    amazing blog love this post
